Media integration in exhibitions and museums brings art and history to life

Brandenburg’s past and present are presented in the exhibition in the House of Brandenburg-Prussian History with a clever mix of classic exhibits and media stations. In addition to a series of interactive applications, such as a puzzle in which a small medieval town typical of the region can be built, the large-format video boxes are particularly impressive.

AVMS equips the House of Brandenburg-Prussian History, a museum, with media technology.

Media integration in exhibitions as well as media technology in museums is increasingly becoming a good standard in order to invite young audiences to interact. In this way, the museum has developed into a central extracurricular place of learning about Brandenburg’s culture and history.

Historical figures such as Wilhelmine of Prussia and Emilie Fontane seem to follow visitors with their gaze until they pause to listen to their stories via headphones. Actors act in the moving images, which are started when required. The content was created by students of the Babelsberg Film University.

In the entrance area of the exhibition, visitors are greeted by a large video wall. We combined nine displays to create a seamless wall. The very narrow frames of the displays create a homogeneous overall picture. The video wall impresses with its extreme brilliance, high contrast and low power consumption. Headphones are integrated in the opposite seating area. If required, for example for group tours, it is possible to switch to loudspeakers.

When designing media technology for exhibitions, we always make sure that the technology mix is not only well received by the different visitor groups, but also that the workload for the operating staff and building technicians is kept within limits.